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James Otis Bivins, Ph. D.

James Otis Bivins, Ph. D.


Faith Bible College was founded in 1994, under the direction of Dr. James Otis Bivins, Pastor of Church of God by Faith, Inc, Baltimore Maryland. It was established to give  new hope, and help provide trained personnel for the propagation of the Gospel. Faith Bible College has trained men and women to develop and implement the programs required to establish Faith Bible College.


Under the direction of the Board of Directors, we have designed and implemented a curriculum to prepare you for ministry. Faith Bible College is for those who have had no previous undergraduate training in Biblical Studies and for those who have completed an undergraduate degree. It is designed to bring together proven principles of education for the disadvantage and disinherited recognized experts and training


Faith Bible College is denominationally independent, fundamentally conservative and for the most part local church oriented. It wants that very student to be rightly adjusted to the Holy Spirit to magnify the person and the work of our living Savior Jesus Christ.


At Faith Bible College, we are committed unreservedly to the verbal-plenary view of the inspiration believing every word of the Bible is the inspired Word of God.



Taking II Timothy 3:17 as a goal, we may sum up the objective of the Faith Bible College as follows;


1.         A thorough knowledge of the whole word of God as true.

2.         A zealous Missionary and Soul—Winning Spirit.

3.         To implant within the hearts and minds of the students the important principle of living by faith in the Lord.

4.         In development of the TRUE Christian character through training.

5.         Better preparation for Christian service through teaching and training.

6.         Creator awareness of pastoral counseling through homiletic training.

7.         Exemplifying a Spiritual Evangelistic outreach in community teaching.