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Faith Bible College & Seminary (FBC&S) was founded in 1994 under the direction of the Reverend James Otis Bivins, Pastor of the Church of God By Faith, Inc. in the City of Baltimore, Maryland.


FBC was established to give new hope, and help provide trained personnel for the propagation of the Gospel. Faith Bible College (FBC) has trained men and women of God, to develop and implement the programs required to establish Faith Bible College.


Faith Bible College was affiliated with Central Christian University, of Blythville, Arkansas. Faith Bible College is committed unreservedly to the verbal— plenary view of inspiration, believing every word of the Bible to be the inspired Word of Cod.



Taking II Timothy 3:17 as a goal, we may sum up the objective of the Faith Bible College as follows;


1.         A thorough knowledge of the whole word of God as true

2.         A zealous Missionary and Soul—Winning Spirit.

3.         To implant within the hearts and minds of the students the important principle of living by faith in the Lord.

4.         In development of the TRUE Christian character through training.

5.         Better preparation for Christian service through teaching and training.

6.         Creator awareness of pastoral counseling through homiletic training.

7.         Exemplifying a Spiritual Evangelistic outreach in community teaching.


Yours In Christ

 James O. Bivins, Ph. D. 

Dr. James Otis Bivins





Faith Bible College was founded in 1994, under the direction of Dr. James Otis Bivins, Pastor of Church of God by Faith, Inc, Baltimore Maryland. It was established to give  new hope, and help provide trained personnel for the propagation of the Gospel. Faith Bible College has trained men and women to develop and implement the programs required to establish Faith Bible College.


Under the direction of the Board here at Faith Bible College, we have designed and implemented a curriculum to prepare for the ministry, those who have had no previous undergraduate training in Biblical Studies and those who have completed an undergraduate degree. It is designed to bring together proven principles of education for the disadvantage and disinherited recognized experts and training


Faith Bible College is denominationally independent, fundamentally conservative and for the most part local church oriented. It wants that very student to be rightly adjusted to the Holy Spirit to magnify the person and the work of our living Savior Jesus Christ.


At Faith Bible College, we are committed unreservedly to the verbal-plenary view of the inspiration believing every word of the Bible is the inspired Word of God.



Taking II Timothy 3:17 as a goal, we may sum up the objective of the Faith Bible College as follows;

1.         A thorough knowledge of the whole word of God as true

2.         A zealous Missionary and Soul—Winning Spirit.

3.         To implant within the hearts and minds of the students the important principle of living by faith in the Lord.

4.         In development of the TRUE Christian character through training.

5.         Better preparation for Christian service through teaching and training.

6.         Creator awareness of pastoral counseling through homiletic training.

7.         Exemplifying a Spiritual Evangelistic outreach in community teaching.



1. We personalize all programs and allow the student to go or, at his or her own pace. Students may enroll at any time since there are no rigid time constraints or semesters. We will require an extension for uncompleted courses after two years.


2. The off campus program is a convenience: it is not a short cut. However, because of its flexibility the student may, with added effort, possibly complete the program easier than an on campus student who is only able to spend a predetermined amount of time in class each week.


3. We make no distinction in the value of credits or earned degree by on campus and off campus graduates. The degrees are identical and the grading system is the same.


4. It is the objective of the off Campus Center Division to provide a comfortable human environment in which to grow, learn, develop, and doing better work within the framework of its programs. We offer a positive approach to education. In addition, we provide personal attention to help and assist in whatever way is necessary to ease the completion of a specific degree objective.


5. The student who completes a degree program by external study has achieved his desired educational objective just as surely as if he had attended classes on campus.



Resident studies should be the primary means of instructional delivery because of the added value derived from interaction with the college community. However due to the increasing number of interested students who are unable to relocate to a residential campus, various institutions both secular and religious have taken on the task to “bring the campus to the student.” FBC has found that one method to aid this process is to utilize the mandate to the local church to teach. Fulfilling the commission to teach is a calling every church has and is implementing in some form or program. Some churches, however, desire to have a solid recognized, systematic method of reaching that will deliver instruction to constituencies unable to avail themselves of on-campus offerings especially in religious studies. On that premise FBC has established and certified three (3) methods of extension study in an effort to meet the demand; and assist churches to fulfill their vision both locally and to the world. They are as follows:


1. Extension Class: An extension class under the direct control of the local church leadership but supervised by the college administration. It is usually taught by the college faculty or under special arrangement may be taught by a local instructor with permission of the FBC Academic Dean. The extension class may conduct a maximum of two classes per semester and must strive to have at least 32 clock hours per three (3) credit hour courses. The following are Extension Class guidelines;

  1. An affiliation fee of $50 per class (limited to undergraduate studies only)
  2. Tuition split of 60% to the local class and 40% to the National office
  3. 2 site visits/seminars per year (recommended)
  4. Local certified Instructor ($50 per year)
  5. All textbooks and Degrees must be ordered through FBC at least 14 days prior to class/graduation start and prepaid or C.O.D.

2. Branch Campus: A branch campus is a separate unit with its own core facilities, curricula, faculty, and instructional resources. The scope of this teaching ministry is limited to the respective church and immediate community. The administrative office of FBC regarding course scheduling, administration, faculty, and curriculum provides oversight. The following are Branch Campus guidelines;

  1. An affiliation fee of $800 (one time fee)
  2. 2 site visits/seminars per academic year (1 per semester)
    1. Site visits are scheduled in the Fall
    2. Fees for site visits without seminars are $300 plus expenses

(Fees for site visits with seminars are $25 per person ($300 min) plus expenses.)

    1. 10 clock hours are required for 3 credit hours
  2. Local college instructor certification ($50 per instructor per year)
  3. All textbooks and degrees must he ordered through FBC at least 14 days prior to class start and prepaid or C. O - D.
  4. All forms and reports must be processed in the time periods required

3. Regional Campus: A regional campus is also a separate unit of the national campus but with its own core facilities, faculty, and instructional resources and with the abilities and vision to serve a region of the country.  The FBC administrative staff works hand in hand with the local leadership to develop high quality religious campus by assis­ting with all phases of college growth. This institution must utilize “ Faith Bible College” name in a clear and concise manner. (i.e. Faith Bible College of Newark, N J.). The Foll­owing are Regional Campus guidelines.

  1. An affiliation fee of $950 (one time)
  2. Tuition split of 70% to the local campus and 30% to the national office
  3. 2 site visits/seminars per academic year (1 per semester)
    1. site visits are scheduled in spring and fall.
    2. fees for site visits without seminars are $300 plus expense&

(fees for site visits with seminars are $25 per person ($300 min) plus expenses)

    1. 10 clock hours are required for 3 credit hours.
  1. Local campus certification ($100 per year)
  2. Local instructor certification ($50 per instructor per year)
  3. All textbooks must be ordered through FBC at least 14 days prior to class start and prepaid or COD
  4. All forms and reports must be processed in the time period required

Bible colleges were first established in the late 1880 to prepare lay and semi-professional workers. Early leaders were concerned primarily for the unenlightened peoples of the world and the preparation of missionaries to help meet their needs. DL Moody founder of Moody Bible Institute (1886) directed his attention to the urban centers of America as well as to foreign lands. The colleges they founded became the pattern for a new expression in higher education.


From the beginning, the Bible-college movement has been dynamic-not only in the rapid multiplication of its colleges, but in the expansion of its programs. This dynamism is apparent; for example, in the effort to improve the quality of education by extending two year courses to three, four, and five years, making admissions requirements more stringent, arid increasing the general studies component. Today’s Bible college, whatever majors it may offer, require all students to complete coursework in three areas, biblical studies, general studies, and professional studies.



Faith Bible College uses the semester hour as the unit of credit awarded.  This is defined as one clock hour of instruction per week for fifteen (15) weeks (or the equivalent). Most classes meet three hours a week and carry three semester hours credit. Graduate courses carry four-semester hours credit.



When a college or institution request an official transcript, the first transcript from FBC is provided without charge, however each subsequent transcript is issued at a charge of  $10.00. Official transcripts are only issued directly to other institutions upon request and can only be issued by FBC administrative office. Transcripts will not be issued by a student who has failed to meet all of his\her financial obligations. Student’s unofficial transcripts will follow the same guidelines.



Transferability of credits earned at this institution and transferred to another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution.



Students are expected to complete all course work as specified by the instructor by the end of the term. If a grade of incomplete is issued course work must be completed by the last day of the next term, or an automatic grade of failure is issued.



By permission of the registrar, students may add a course during the first week of classes or drop a course during the first two weeks of classes without academic penalties. Courses dropped without permission after the first two weeks will receive an automatic “F”. The Dean may permit a drop with either a “WF” or a “WP” in response to a written petition giving the reason for the request. Any course dropped after the seventh week receives an “F.”


Graduation from the Seminary is based not only on the accumulation of the credit hours but also upon the number of grade points earned by the student which constitutes the grade point average (GPA). The college follows a 4.0 grade point system and requires a 2.0 or C average in order to graduate.


Thus the student must earn twice as many grade points as credit hours. The student’s accumulation GPA is based on hours attempted. Grades points are earned on the following:









Excellent comprehension of the subject material and outstanding resourcefulness in its application.












Good comprehension of the subject material and ability to apply it.












Average understanding of the subject material.












Limited knowledge of the subject but allowed to pass course.








Failure the course must be repeated for credit.






A student is permitted to repeat a course for which he has received failing grade. However, the failing grade and the subsequent grade shall stand in the students permanent record and be included in calculating the grade average. A student is not permitted to repeat a course for credit a in which a passing grade has been received.

 *Failure in a course shall necessitate its repetition except by special permission of the professor of the course and the approval of the Registrar. 


Research projects and extensive reading are offered as courses in each division. These courses offer students the opportunity to carry on independent study under the personal guidance of the instructor designated by the Dean /Registrar. Before registering for a course, the student must have the written approval of the topic for research by an instructor who has agreed to supervise it, with the prospectus being completed later. Students may not register for more than 12 hours without special permission of the Dean.


Recognizing the absolute necessity for prompt payment of all school fees not only as a good Biblical principle, but also for the sake of the character thus developed, our Financial Aid Department has established the following policy on finances for all students.  Each student is expected to pay in full the amount due at the beginning of each core program. Payments may be made by cash or check. For students desiring to pay using the installment plan, a monthly bank authorization may be arranged through the Financial Aid Department. No diploma for academic achievement will be awarded until all financial obligations to FBC are made.






Master’s Level


Doctoral Level




Grade Change


Life Experience Evaluation


Diploma Replacement


$50.00 registration fee for each scholastic year (non refundable)

$35.00 per credit hour undergraduate level

$70.00 per credit hours graduate level

$10.00 per credit hour audit


No refund will be made for registration or examination fees. Refunds on tuition, audit, or credit will be made as follows

            Prior to first class                      100%
            First week (1st-7th day)                       90%
            Second week (8th-I4th day)                 80%
            Third week (15th-21st day)                   70%

                        *No refund will be made after the third week (21st day) ACCELERATED STUDENTS & PROFESSIONALS PROGRAM (ASAP)

The Accelerated Student and Professional Program (ASAP) are designed for students who have significant life experience preparing them to undertake academic studies. It meets the special needs of mature professionals established in their fields that have not fully completed a four-year undergraduate degree and have limited time to further their education.


To qualify for admission to the ASAP program the candidate shall complete the following


An ASAP Application form with the $65.00 application fee (non refundable).

A typed resume detailing life experience.

Three letters of recommendation from clergy.


A maximum of 60 credit hours may be advanced in any one-degree program. Upon successful completion of the above requirements, the student will be eligible for the recommended credit hours. These credits will be applied to their permanent record upon receipt of their Life Experience credit hour fees ($15 per credit for undergraduate, $30 per credit hour for graduate).  Only students enrolled in a complete program of study are eligible for admission into the ASAP.



Faith Bible College admits students of any race religion, color, nationality and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, nationality and ethnic origin, or sex in administration or its educational policies, admission policies, employment policies, scholarship and loan programs. We do not discriminate in admissions or access to or employment of persons with impaired vision, hearing, or physical mobility.



Unless specified otherwise by the professors in individual courses, all course papers must be typewritten and in thesis from in conformity, to the standards outlined in A Manual for Writer of Term Papers, Thesis, and Dissertations fourth edition, by Kate L. Thrabian and additional instructions by the faculty.



Because of the Biblical demands of discipleship, it is expected that all students attending will maintain the highest standards of conviction and conduct. Questionable practices (such as the use of drugs) are not considered acceptable for persons training for Gods service. We recog­nize that while a student’s conduct does reflect upon the school he represents a greater motivation for godliness in his desire to please and glorify the Holy God Who has called him.



Part-time students are always welcome to enroll.



The category of Special Student is normally open to those currently engaged in vocational Christian service that want to pursue studies to a limited extent (such as local pastors or missionaries on furlough).



Absenteeism in class: A student is allowed to miss class during semester one time per credit hour for the given course (e.g.3 times for a 3 hour course). These absences are without penalty as long as the reasons for the absence are acceptable to the instructor. The student must attend class a minimum of 70% of the time in order to be given credit for the course (except by consent front the faculty in extenuating circumstances).



Faith Bible College provides an opportunity for highly motivated students with self-discipline to pursue their programs of study at a more self-directed pace. Students desiring admission to the Distance Education Program must obtain an application for admission from the Admissions Office. A residency requirement for each educational level is established. Details of the program are provided in the procedures manual. For more information contact the Administrative Office at 410-644-5822/410-369-6330



Any student desiring to change his degree program should first discuss this with his Dean. A change of degree form should then be requested, the required signatures secured and the form returned to the local campus registration office.

 Certification in Christian Counseling is available upon request; for more information please contact the office at: 410-644-5822 / 410-369-6330

Price does not include all books.  For further information please contact the office at the above address / number.  

Faith Bible College has uniquely designed each undergraduate Specialization Module to provide the most innovative educational programs available anywhere today. These programs unite both the academic and practical aspects of education.

The student enrolling in the specialization module will learn from professors considered experts in their respective fields; utilizing curriculum materials provided by such notable names as The Charles Fuller Institute, Zola Levitt’

, Focus on the Family and many others.

When developing the specialization modules, FBC faculty specifically selected programs and course materials that are balanced appropriately between classic Christian foundations and research revealing contemporary trends and patterns in the application and practice of Christian ministry.

Admittance to the school does not guarantee the student admittance to a specific academic major and/or degree program. Each department establishes the criteria by which a student is considered a major in that department. Departments also guide exploratory majors with an interest in their areas.

No grade below “C” may apply toward the major or professional education courses. A course in which a “D” is earned may apply toward general education, minor, cognate, and general elective degree requirements.
Major = 30 hours
Minor= 18 hours


1 Year - Certificate of Biblical Studies   30 Credits
2 Year - Associate of Biblical Studies   60 Credits
3 Year - Ministerial Diploma                             90 Credits
4 Year - Bachelors of Biblical Studies   120 Credits
Bachelors of Christian Education
Bachelors of Ministry
Bachelors of Pastoral Counseling
Bachelors of Theology



This program is designed for the individual who desires a basic understanding of Biblical truths and also desires sufficient Biblical understanding so as to be of assistance to the pastor of their church in various ministries offered by the church (i.e. Sunday School). Thirty (30) total credit hors are required.



This is a course of study with a broad scope. Students receiving this degree are prepared for further study at the Bachelors level.  An Associate’s Degree is granted upon successful completion of 60 credit hours of course work according to the following guidelines;

  • 15 credit hours in Resource Education
  • 24 credit hours in Religious Studies
  • 21 credit hours in Biblical Studies


The Ministerial Diploma is a three-year theological program to prepare students for a Christ centered ministry as pastors and ministers. Under the instruction of academically, and spiritually qualified faculty, students receive a sound knowledge of the Word of God and worship. A stu­dent must complete 90 credit hours of study in order to qualify for a ministerial diploma as fol­lows;

  • 15 credit hours in Resource Education
  • 36 credit bouts in Religious Studies
  • 36 credit horns in Biblical Studies

The Bachelor degrees listed are granted upon successful completion of 120 credit hours of course work according to the following;

  • 18 credit hours in Resource Education
  • 36 credit hours in Religious Studies
  • 36 credit hours in Biblical Studies
  • 30 credit hours in Selected Field Specialization

All bachelor degrees are granted upon successful completion of 120 credit hours of course work according to the following guidelines;

  • 36 credit hours in Religious Studies/Christian Education
  • 36 credit hours in Biblical Studies
  • 18 credit hours in Resource Education
  • 30 credit hours in Specialization Studies

B1 10103

Old Testament Survey

B1 10203

New Testament Survey

B1 20103

John: The Gospel of Love

B1 20303

Romans: The Overcoming of Life

B1 20303

Key Biblical Studies

B1 40203

Parables of Christ

RS 10103

Life of Christ

RS 10303

Christian Foundations

RS 10403

Effective Christian Living

CE 10103

Key of Biblical Interpretation


EN 10103

English: Grammar & Composition

HT 10103

US History: Heritage of Freedom

SS 10103

Family Systems

B1 10303

The Pentateuch

B1 10403

Harmony of the Gospel

B1 20203

The Tabernacle of Moses

RS 10203

Holy Spirit

RS 20103

Identifying Gifts and Talents

RS 20203

Spiritual Authority

RS 20303



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