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The " Church Of God By Faith, Inc." in Baltimore was organized under the auspices of Elder James D. Patterson (known as "Walking pat). The three charter members were Sister Mary M. Knight, Sister Eva Tenly and Sister Eva Jones. Under Elder Patterson's administration the church grew in a mighty way. This growth was recognized by the parent church to the point that they purchased the building at, 301 North Stricker Street, February, 1945, which is still serving as the church today.
In the late 40's the late, Elder Lonnie Staton was appointed Pastor by the General Council of the "Churches of God By Faith, Inc. " Under the Pastorate of the late Elder Lonnie Staton, the church grew to the point of standing room only. This continued until the mid 50's...until he was overcome with health problems, which prompted his return to Florida. Elder Daniel was then appointed the Pastoralship at Baltimore, from the late 50's to the early 60's. After which, Elder E. P. Livingston who was appointed the Pastoralship from 64 to the early 80's. During this period, Baltimore was annexed to the (then known as the "Northern District"), later became known as the "Northeastern District"(now known as NED).
In the early 80's to the mid 80's Elder Jewel Hall (demised) pastored the church, followed by Elder Timothy Williams(demised) from the mid 80's to late 80's. Presently the pastor is  Dr. James 0. Bivins.
Under Dr. Bivins, the the church has been re-named; "EmpowermentTemple" C.O.G.B.F. where the congregation is prospering spiritually, physically, and finically. By the will of God, and the help of the Parent Church, Baltimore church has undergone a .000.00 renovation. Whereof the dedication was held "Saturday May 25, 1991."
Empowerment Temple,  Church of God by Faith, Inc in Baltimore Maryland, presently operates an outreach ministry, a Soup Kitchen, an active youth ministry that involves the community, Childrens Church, and Our First Lady, Dorthy Bivins has recorded her first CD, "Dorthy Bivins In The Spirit," now in record stores around the country. The Church Choir backgrounds in one of her songs, (Holy Spirit). All this to the Glory of God.

Pastor, Dr. James 0. Bivins

We exist to bring people into the unity of CHRIST JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR, while serving the community, ministering to the needs of the needy, reaching out to those that seem to be unreachable, equipping those for battle in spiritual warfare who dare to be fit to fight the good fight, and encouraging all who will be encouraged in the name of Jesus.

1. The vision is to be a body of believers who are instrumental in leading the lost to Christ, reaching out to the hurting, ministering to the needs of others and building up the body of Christ.

2. We work toward our vision by being active in our community through outreach programs such as feeding the hungry, offering programs that are design to reach the youth of our community, and help the homeless find shelter.
3. We have a vision to form choirs: Mass Choirs, Missionary Choirs, Youth Choirs, to record the WORD of GOD, that it will minister to people. We have a vision of choirs that are Holy, Annointed, and equipped by the Holy Spirit that they will lead souls to Christ by their voices alone being used as an instrument for GOD.
4. We have a vision to have ministers who know their calling and will work within the calling of their ministry. Ministers who are committed to assisting in developing members to do the work of Christ. (He gave some Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, and Teachers for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ) Ephesians 4:11-12

5. Our ultimate vision is to be an "End Times Church," operating all th egifts of the Holy Spirit for the perfecting of the saints and salvation for the lost. To God be the Glory.


National Webpage
Church of God by Faith, Inc is reported in the
"Directory of African American Religious Bodies, second edition," a compendium by Howard Unniversity School of Divinity.
Church Of God By Faith, Inc., was founded in 1914 in Jacksonville Florida.
The Founders of the Church are:
Crawford Bright
Elder John Bright
Aaron Matthews, Sr.
Nathaniel Scippio
Hubert Steadman became the first Executive Secretary and Editor for the Sunday School literature and various inspirational publications.
Our Founders created the "Church" (which refers to an assembly of people, not a building) for the expressed purpose of glorifying God in the beauty of Holiness. Needless to say, this came after the founders themselves were "saved." They had a desire for others as well, to seek the quality of life and character which is set before Christians as an ideal guide and moral obligation.
Thus, this bonding or coming together and consequent formation of the "Church of God By Faith, Inc." was to serve as a basis whereby "believers" could be encouraged, educated in the Word of God, strengthen, sustained, spiritually grow, and be unified in an environment where the Spirit of Christ is truly active.

The name itself, (Church of God), gives glory to the Lord, which is due unto His name. And "Faith" was the tool indicative of the trust, confidence, reliability, and steadfastness that they so wholeheartedly placed in the unseen power of God. Hence, the "Church" was materialized from the perceptional thought of foresighted, endeavoring, spiritually led and blessed individuals: diligently acting on one of many promises of the Lord.

The first assembly meeting of the Church was held in 1917 at White Springs, Florida; after which, missions were set up in various places. Palatka, FL was known as the "headquarters" of the group in 1919. A General Assembly was held in Alachua, Florida in 1922 where the leading elders drafted a charter, which is now known as the "Church of God by Faith, Inc."

The General Assembly was moved from Alachua, FL to Ocala, FL in December 1941. In 1987, we began going annually to Atlanta, Georgia where the meetings are still held.


In order that we may preserve our God given heritage, the faith once delivered to the saints, especially the doctrines and experience of sanctification as a second work of grace; and also that we may cooperate effectively in advancing the Kingdom of God among men. We the ministers and lay members of the Church of God By Faith, Inc., in accordance with the principles of constitution, legislation established among us, do hereby ordain, adopt, and set forth as the fundamental law or constitution of the Church of God by Faith,, Inc., the Articles of Faith, The General Rules, and the Articles of Organization and Government
Copyright 1998-2001 C.O.G.B.F.,Inc.

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